Eclectic, thoughtful, and humorous, the books of Gary Turchin are difficult to categorize, but they are always filled with whimsy and wisdom and will move you to tears of joy and sorrow. Or both at the same time.
Through a Broken Window
He was the strong-armed shortstop on his school's softball team, but his most consequential throw may have been the brick he tossed through a mad man's window...
In this coming-of-age saga, 12-year-old Jerry Epstein's mettle gets tested (on and off the baseball field) and tested and tested again. But when the aforementioned "mad man" shows up with a gun, the test becomes a life and death matter. Set in 1964 New Jersey, the narrative drive of this novel will take your breath away.
Before Through a Broken Window was completed, it won second prize in an unfinished novel literary competition (under a different title).
(Right:) Watch Gary read from early pages of the story at the award ceremony.
If I Were You
An inside out, upside down and wise (cracking) view of life.
A kids book for kids 2 to 102.
"A Healthy dose of Vitamin Joy!"
If you are having a bad day, If I Were You will make it better.
If you are having a good day, it will make it even gooder...
Listen to the author read from
If I Were You:
Falling Home
Punchy and impassioned, that's Falling Home. Noted Bay Area performance poet, Gary Turchin, has laid down some of his best tracks in this collection. Youthful candor—often impetuous in its drive to tell the truth—meets elder-wisdom in poems that riff on language, childhood and flowers, even as they dive deep in subcutaneous issues: the intricacies of familial relationships and the complexities of facing up to a petrifying diagnosis of Parkinson's. These poems are a gift to the reader who wants something more than verbal pyrotechnics that fill the air with useless barking: they are playful, and questioning, and most of all, deeply moving.
Watch Gary read from poems from Falling Home,
or for a larger catalogue of his performances, please visit
pills, poems, & ponderings
Gary's newest collection of poems.
Hot off the press!